
Our talented compositors can bring your videos to life with our top-of-the-line compositing suites; therefore we are able to enhance your images with the utmost precision and great visual perspective.

3D animation

We are a group of animation designers who specialize in story telling through animation and vfx. We deliver an inspired production provision with reliability and proficiency. Our objective is to create the best work and the best experience for all of our clients.

3D Character animation
We provide 3D character animation services to creators and producers of animated films, TV and commercials 
Our focus is 100% on key frame character animation. This leads to a high-level of specialization in the art of bringing to life believable characters.
Built around very talented and passionate animators, our team covers all styles, from cartoon to realistic.
Motion graphics
We combine great illustrations and graphics with motion, animation and video to tell your story in fun and compelling way. 

Our colorists are responsible for many of the defining looks of our work and their ability to combine inspiration and technical ability will ensure a memorable visual context for our client’s brand The consistent brand quality protects the integrity of the image of a campaign hence we’re proud to have some of the best talents in Lebanon, gulf and the Middle East.


We provide the finest editors available on the market furthermore we deliver a high quality editing service no matter the format, timeframe, or length.